Get in Touch
If you are interested in finding out more about the Alexander Technique or would like a 15 min free consultation, please fill in the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Alexander Technique or would like a 15 min free consultation, please fill in the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Background photographs are free from copyright restrictions and were found using the photography search.
All other photographs are copyright Cathie Kidger.
Cathie offers both in-person lessons in Thame and online ‘Mindful Movement’ lessons to anywhere in the world. She has worked with people in Europe, the United States, the Far East and Africa.
Pupils are asked to wear loose, comfortable clothing and to remove their shoes. Cathie uses her hands, alongside verbal directions, to work with pupils in everyday movements (such as sitting, standing, walking, bending), uncovering unhelpful physical and mental habits and exploring a new, improved way of co-ordinating themselves.
As a dancer and yoga practitioner I was looking to improve posture, coordination and balance, as well as use my body more efficiently within my dancing life and daily life. After seven months of studying the Technique through Cathie’s teaching, I have developed a better understanding of my body’s habits and how I can inhibit these habits to get out of my own way. I have noticed an improvement in my balance and coordination, as well as a freedom within my movement not only in dance and yoga, but in daily life as well. When I finish a lesson with Cathie, I feel taller, regain my peripheral vision and become grounded, which is often completely opposite from how I feel when entering the lesson.
Samantha, Professional Dancer & Yoga Teacher
The gentle hands-on contact allows pupils to experience a greater depth of freedom and ease within their musculature and nervous system as they learn how to break free from those automatic and repetitive patterns and consciously choose how to respond in a calmer and more appropriate manner to a situation. Once a foundation has been laid, more specific skills and activities can be explored.
Cathie also works with pupils on the teaching table (like a massage table) to encourage them to release unnecessary tension that they may be holding in their body and to find space in their joints and improve postural tone.
15 minute online consultation or phone call - FREE
Introductory lesson £30
Single lessons £40 for a 50 minute lesson
Block of 10 lessons paid for in advance (to be taken within 6 months) - discounted price of £385
Refer a Friend (for current or previous clients) - Half price lesson for both you and your friend (£20)